Saturday, March 14, 2009 

Debt Consolidation Mortgage Refinance - 3 Common Mistakes Homeowners Make

Are you among those people, homeowner and non-homeowner alike, who are thinking that a debt consolidation mortgage refinance is meant to bail you out of just about any type of financial trouble that you may get yourself into? If so, then join the club and continue reading further. There are some very simple misconceptions that many people have when it comes to this particular topic; and they are: A Catch-All Solution, An Emergency Back-up Plan and Always There for Whatever Reason.

A Catch-All Solution

This is the first very common misconception many people have when it comes to debt consolidation mortgage refinance, that this is basically a catch-all solution to any and all of your financial troubles. The truth is that this is actually meant to help you to get a lower interest rate than you already have... so that you can get out from under the burden. By going through this process repeatedly, you actually are adding more of a financial burden to your plate than you already have and might just end up not having any lenders who are willing to work with you if you abuse this process.

An Emergency Back-up Plan

While this technically is not a misconception, it can still cause some problems if you are thinking that you can use debt consolidation mortgage refinance indiscriminately to bail yourself out of the financial messes that you might get into. This method of clearing your way to a quicker resolution of your mortgage debt can also be abused if you look at it the wrong way and think that it is there to use whenever you feel like it.

Always There for Whatever Reason

This is also something that you really have to look at very carefully when you start thinking like this. Watch what you are thinking when you start looking into debt consolidation mortgage refinance. If you find yourself thinking that you do not need to be careful about what you are spending; that you can always refinance your mortgage to clear up those debts any time you need to, you really need to think again. This is not what that kind of loan is there for.

Final Thoughts

A good many times you will be in need of a debt consolidation mortgage refinance loan to help you get yourself and your financial situation straightened out so that you can keep yourself out of some very serious financial troubles. This is great if this is what you are using this kind of loan for! This is exactly what it was designed for. When you really get right down to it, you are much better of if you can keep your spending under control and not go hog wild when you see a big ticket item that you would like to buy. The best plan there is to start putting money aside to buy it with cash or starting using pre-paid credit cards so that you cannot spend more than you have on hand.

This is just a small sampling of the information about Debt Consolidation Mortgage Refinance that you will find when you go to and read more.


Is The Home Equity Loan Game About to Explode?

The rapid increase in home values has proven to be as good as lottery winnings for homeowners in many areas. But look out - old tricks may no longer fool anyone.

The real estate boom has bailed out many folks who have been caught between higher bill payments and flat incomes. These homeowners have been able to tap their increased home equity to support a life style that they really could not afford. Home equity has provided the juice that has been keeping our national economy afloat.

Home equity loans have allowed home owners the chance to pull out cash that they then spent on new cars, furniture, vacations and other luxuries. Another boost to their life styles was generated when home owners refinanced using adjustable-rate mortgages that cut their monthly payments. They seemingly had more ready cash to spend.

Consumers who had buried themselves under a mountain of credit card debt have been able to evade foreclosure and bankruptcy by quickly selling their homes. With the proceeds from the sale they've been able to pay down at least some of their debts and gain some financial breathing room.

All that was yesterday! Take a close look at what's happening today. In many areas of the country real estate prices are flattening out and even beginning to decline in some areas. With little or no increase in home equity, or even vanishing equity, home owners may find themselves in a tight spot. They just won't have that reservoir of cash to fall back on.

Oh gosh, now it gets even worse. Because personal debt seems nearly out of control the federal government has mandated that credit card companies increase the minimum payment required on credit card debt. For many people that payment will now be twice what it has been in the past.

Wait, there's more! Energy prices are at an all time high and health care costs are zooming out of sight. A growing number of people are stretched thin and actually are spending more than they earn. People who are living on the financial edge could be in big trouble without any equity in their homes to use as emergency cash.

This bad news is good news for real estate investors who are looking to buy property just before foreclosure. Many homeowners pulled out all their equity (sometimes as much as 110% of their home's value!) and now values have declined and they are upside down... they owe more than they can sell the house for. They can't pay their debts and they can't find a buyer for their home. Ouch!

Smart investors know how to help these folks and make a little profit in the process. We are entering one of those rare times when the opportunity in preforeclosure real estate will be mind boggling.

Mark Walters explains the exciting opportunity in preforeclosure real estate investing at

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